jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Monica Sanz´s Notes: An Irresistible morning...

It was a sunny early morning of November. Yes, I was slept some minutes before to make the cover of Irresistible. The morning I heard it for the very first time.

I just wanted to have something really authentic and I though my first “Irresistible time” could be the most honest. Being my first song I felt like a virgin!

I recorded exactly with that shirt (personal reasons, there’s always one), I was made up and …I pulsed the button: play!

This is exactly what “Irresistible” makes me feel!

Please, try it and let me know how you feel!

Love, Monica.

Link: http://www.monicasanz.com/Personal/tabid/75/PostID/42/language/es-ES/Default.aspx

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